


ここでは単純に表と図のみでeBPFにどのような命令が含まれて、 どのように動作するのかを示す。Instruction set archの設計論などは まったく触れない。 (ただつかう段階では必要ないため。)



struct ebpf_insn {
    uint8_t  opcode;
    uint8_t  src:4;
    uint8_t  dst:4;
    uint16_t offset;
    uint32_t imm;
    msb                                                        lsb
    |immediate               |offset          |src |dst |opcode  |

Instruction Classは以下の3つに分類できる.

  • ALU
  • Byteswap
  • Memory Access
  • Branch


64bit ALU命令

Opcode Mnemonic Pseudocode
0x07 add dst, imm dst += imm
0x0f add dst, src dst += src
0x17 sub dst, imm dst -= imm
0x1f sub dst, src dst -= src
0x27 mul dst, imm dst *= imm
0x2f mul dst, src dst *= src
0x37 div dst, imm dst /= imm
0x3f div dst, src dst /= src
0x47 or dst, imm dst |= imm
0x4f or dst, src dst |= src
0x57 and dst, imm dst &= imm
0x5f and dst, src dst &= src
0x67 lsh dst, imm dst <<= imm
0x6f lsh dst, src dst <<= src
0x77 rsh dst, imm dst >>= imm (logical)
0x7f rsh dst, src dst >>= src (logical)
0x87 neg dst dst = -dst
0x97 mod dst, imm dst %= imm
0x9f mod dst, src dst %= src
0xa7 xor dst, imm dst ^= imm
0xaf xor dst, src dst ^= src
0xb7 mov dst, imm dst = imm
0xbf mov dst, src dst = src
0xc7 arsh dst, imm dst >>= imm (arithmetic)
0xcf arsh dst, src dst >>= src (arithmetic)
Opcode Mnemonic Pseudocode
0x04 add32 dst, imm dst += imm
0x0c add32 dst, src dst += src
0x14 sub32 dst, imm dst -= imm
0x1c sub32 dst, src dst -= src
0x24 mul32 dst, imm dst *= imm
0x2c mul32 dst, src dst *= src
0x34 div32 dst, imm dst /= imm
0x3c div32 dst, src dst /= src
0x44 or32 dst, imm dst |= imm
0x4c or32 dst, src dst |= src
0x54 and32 dst, imm dst &= imm
0x5c and32 dst, src dst &= src
0x64 lsh32 dst, imm dst <<= imm
0x6c lsh32 dst, src dst <<= src
0x74 rsh32 dst, imm dst >>= imm (logical)
0x7c rsh32 dst, src dst >>= src (logical)
0x84 neg32 dst dst = -dst
0x94 mod32 dst, imm dst %= imm
0x9c mod32 dst, src dst %= src
0xa4 xor32 dst, imm dst ^= imm
0xac xor32 dst, src dst ^= src
0xb4 mov32 dst, imm dst = imm
0xbc mov32 dst, src dst = src
0xc4 arsh32 dst, imm dst >>= imm (arithmetic)
0xcc arsh32 dst, src dst >>= src (arithmetic)


Opcode Mnemonic Pseudocode
0xd4 (imm == 16) le16 dst dst = htole16(dst)
0xd4 (imm == 32) le32 dst dst = htole32(dst)
0xd4 (imm == 64) le64 dst dst = htole64(dst)
0xdc (imm == 16) be16 dst dst = htobe16(dst)
0xdc (imm == 32) be32 dst dst = htobe32(dst)
0xdc (imm == 64) be64 dst dst = htobe64(dst)

Memory Access

Opcode Mnemonic Pseudocode
0x18 lddw dst, imm dst = imm
0x20 ldabsw src, dst, imm See kernel documentation
0x28 ldabsh src, dst, imm
0x30 ldabsb src, dst, imm
0x38 ldabsdw src, dst, imm
0x40 ldindw src, dst, imm
0x48 ldindh src, dst, imm
0x50 ldindb src, dst, imm
0x58 ldinddw src, dst, imm
0x61 ldxw dst, [src+off] dst = (uint32_t ) (src + off)
0x69 ldxh dst, [src+off] dst = (uint16_t ) (src + off)
0x71 ldxb dst, [src+off] dst = (uint8_t ) (src + off)
0x79 ldxdw dst, [src+off] dst = (uint64_t ) (src + off)
0x62 stw [dst+off], imm (uint32_t ) (dst + off) = imm
0x6a sth [dst+off], imm (uint16_t ) (dst + off) = imm
0x72 stb [dst+off], imm (uint8_t ) (dst + off) = imm
0x7a stdw [dst+off], imm (uint64_t ) (dst + off) = imm
0x63 stxw [dst+off], src (uint32_t ) (dst + off) = src
0x6b stxh [dst+off], src (uint16_t ) (dst + off) = src
0x73 stxb [dst+off], src (uint8_t ) (dst + off) = src
0x7b stxdw [dst+off], src (uint64_t ) (dst + off) = src


Opcode Mnemonic Pseudocode
0x05 ja +off PC += off
0x15 jeq dst, imm, +off PC += off if dst == imm
0x1d jeq dst, src, +off PC += off if dst == src
0x25 jgt dst, imm, +off PC += off if dst > imm
0x2d jgt dst, src, +off PC += off if dst > src
0x35 jge dst, imm, +off PC += off if dst >= imm
0x3d jge dst, src, +off PC += off if dst >= src
0x45 jset dst, imm, +off PC += off if dst & imm
0x4d jset dst, src, +off PC += off if dst & src
0x55 jne dst, imm, +off PC += off if dst != imm
0x5d jne dst, src, +off PC += off if dst != src
0x65 jsgt dst, imm, +off PC += off if dst > imm (signed)
0x6d jsgt dst, src, +off PC += off if dst > src (signed)
0x75 jsge dst, imm, +off PC += off if dst >= imm (signed)
0x7d jsge dst, src, +off PC += off if dst >= src (signed)
0x85 call imm Function call
0x95 exit return r0
